Sunday, 1 April 2012

My own fails.

Just because I laugh at others fails, I guess I need to be able to laugh at my own fails.

So here is me, cleaning out my closet (well, only half of it)

There was this one club I was escorting out, a guy who had stolen a bottle from behind the bar, There were two levels in the club. As I'm escorting the patron down the stairs, I didn't notice the glass on the ground.

I stood on the glass, and went rolling down all two levels of stairs. To make matters worse, the guy tries to run away into the club, so I start to chase him.
I end up chasing him out the front door, and he jumps over the ropes. So here I am, thinking I'm the shit, I try to jump over the ropes as well.
As I jump over, my foot gets caught on the rope.I land face first into a puddle. 

The line for the club starts laughing, I quickly walk inside laughing at myself hahaha I felt so embarrassed and I had also winded myself. I hid in the club for the rest of the night. Fail on the front door hahhaha

A few years later, I'm working at this bar where a drunken male, was denied entry. He stands there, and tries to bait me into fighting him. Starts abusing me, threatening me, swearing at me, everything he could think of. We end up having an altercation.
We are around the corner from the club's front doors, when he tries to tackle me. As he does this, I grab him from around the waist, lift him up, and throw him towards a window. He goes flying through the window, but as he is flying, he reaches out and grabs my pants.

As he lands, he pulls on my pants. I hear a loud rip, and to my horror, he has ripped my dress pants right off. 

So I'm standing there, in my work shirt, and boxers, with him lying in a pool of broken glass, and my pants. There is also a large crowd around me. 

I walked back to the door, and quickly went home and got changed. I felt like the biggest idiot right then, and i remember having cold legs hahaha Thank god, I wear boxers hahahaha  The walk from the broken to window, felt like a walk of shame. Even though everyone was cheering on from the fight, others were laughing at the big islander walking down the street in his boxers, dress shoes and work shirt hahaha Like a BOSS hahaha

Don't judge me, your not Jesus lol

So when you people, do stupid things that you think will make people judge you, who cares. Be able to look at yourself, your failures, and just laugh..

Example, if you are a slut in the club, laugh at yourself. We are laughing at you too lol

Eti RedScarf

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