Tuesday 14 August 2012

Wheel Chair incidents..

Now, what you got to remember is this is called "Confessions from the Door".. okay?

hahaha Arse.

So this one club I was working YEARS ago, it was your usual busy Saturday night.
The line was long, the music was pumping, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. All of a sudden, I hear people yelling in the line.

I move towards the line to see what's happening, and all I see is people being bowled over. I looked down, and there is this white male, mid 30's, running over everyone in the line. At first I start laughing, but he keeps trying to go back and forth, and ends up mowing half the line down.

He rolls up to the front door and tries to go straight through. I stop him and tell him that he is to intoxicated to come inside. He looks at me and starts getting angry and starts swearing.

He starts calling me a black coconut, and tells me I should go back to my own country. He then starts yelling insults about my family.

So I start cracking jokes at him, and advise him he shouldn't be "Drinking and driving" hahaha He gets mad, and starts going around in circles (like he was trying to do a burnout in a wheelchair) hell, he even started grunting at the same time.

The head doorman then walks forward, leans down and tells the man to politely calm down and leave. Then out of now where, the guy in the wheelchair reaches up and starts to strangle the head doorman and starts calling us all black monkeys.

Now the grip of someone who uses a wheelchair is very strong, and it takes 3 of us, to try and get him off the head doorman. We manage to separate him from the head doorman, and the disabled man falls off his chair. He then turns to all of us and starts calling us porch monkeys, fat islanders, losers, and that our parents need to go back to where they came from.

The head doorman, grabs the disabled man's wheelchair, goes to roll it to him, but instead throws it in the air and smashes on the ground 10 meters away from the door. He then turns to the disabled man and tells him

"Get up and walk to your chair cunt"

Now don't laugh, but imagine a man, lying on his belly, crawling to his chair, and STILL swearing at us. He even crawled through some puddles.

I felt bad.. but I kinda laughed.

Im going to hell, and so are you if you laughed.


i was out drinking, me and my mate, and he is in the DJ booth. I see this girl sitting up on a seat next to him, so I go to walk up to him to give him a drink, and I don't notice the wheelchair. I trip on it and look around. Then I realise it belongs to the girl on the high chair. I then notice my friends hand, rubbing her leg..

Now this mother fucker KNEW that she had no feelings in her leg, and was being GRIMY on her hahaha

I walk off laughing, and sit down. He joins me 15 mins later, and the girl in the wheelchair rolls up with him.. now my mate is bigger than me, and this wheelchair girl is tiny. He stands up and starts dirty dancing with her, while she is sitting there.

He is pumping his pelvic region towards her face. I can't keep hiding my laughs, and walk off laughing.

As we are in the car later that night, I ask him

"Would you of had sex with her?"

He laughs, pauses and replies

"I reckon she would of giving me the best blow job"


Change your life.

And yes, he is a bouncer too lol

Monday 30 July 2012

What goes around cums around

In the weekend that just passed, I shared some laughs with some friends from the door. Funny thing was, as we were sharing a laugh, they confessed that they had just shared more than just some laughs lol

This lady had met the boys on the door, and they had introduced themselves as brothers. At first she didn't believe they were all brothers, but was persuaded that they were all related lol

She was some married lady, who was a respectable person. However, that night, she had found out some bad news, and decided that it was time for her, to break out of her good girl shell.

After a few drinks, she became very flirtatious with one of the boys. She proceeded to seduce my friend. Now I don't judge my friend at all, but he took her to his office.

Now when I say office, I actually mean "Disabled toilets" hahaha

I'm sure he was a gentleman about it all. But this lovely good girl decided to get on her knees, and eat it up.

Now my mate is telling me this story, and he has the biggest grin on his face. He goes into detail about massaging the top of her head, and when he "busted" his nut, she swallowed it all up.

My mate goes back, and brags to the rest of his "brothers" about what happened. Everyone is high fiving each other lol

The lady at the end of the night goes up to the other "brother" and says that she is trying to figure out how to get home. One of the "brothers" (a different doorman) asks her where she is going. She tells him the area and he says to her that its out of his way.

She looks at him and offers to suck him off as well bahahaha

Like I said I don't judge my friends, because they all know, none of them are going to heaven hahaha

He thinks about it for a bit. then decides to drop her off home. So he parks up, and she is sucks him off. He also busts a nut in her mouth, and she swallows.

So my mate who is telling me this story is laughing. But he laughs harder when I say to him, that there is traces of his sperm, on our mates penis hahaha

She also tried to lean in and kiss my mate (the 2nd guy) and I also said that she probably blew her breath on his face. In theory, if they got some of that CSI lights, there would be traces of his sperm around our mates mouth hahaha

Keeping it in the family.

Change your life sluts

Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Samurai sword incident..

One night I was working, a guy came up to me and my mate on the door, and complained that there was a guy in the toilets, trying to stand over everyone.
Me and my mate go downstairs to see what is going on.

There is an islander guy standing by the urinals, and he is standing over a white boy. My doorman mate walks up to the white boy and asks him whether he is okay, the white boy asks if we can get his wallet back. The islander guy then tries to pretend that him and the white boy are friends.


So my mate starts to escort the islander guy outside, and I walk in front of them. Just before we get to the door, the islander guy stops suddenly. He looks back at the doorman and tries to throw an elbow, my mate moves back, and drops him with one shot.

So, now we end up dragging tough guy outside the club.

Now, this guy gets back up and starts yelling out all sorts of bullshit, takes his shirt off, and starts causing a commotion. By this time, all his friends are outside, and they are looking like they want to cause some trouble.

The thing with being on the doors, if one of us gets into a fight, we are all down, like depression lol

It gets to the point where trouble is inevitable, no matter how much we tried to calm the situation. So they end up  asking for a one on one around the corner. Luckily its the end of the night, so my mate is annoyed by this time, and just says "fuck it"

As we go around the corner, everyone forms a circle, me and the doorman spread ourselves out and stand next to one of the other guys mates, to make sure no one jumps in.

I look at the guy, and say to him, "Honestly, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, you can just walk away, and everything will be sweet"

He looks at me and starts swearing in English and Tongan. So I walk to my bouncer and mate and tell him "Just try not to hurt him too much"

They start circling around, when suddenly a car pulls up and a large islander guy jumps out. This large islander guy is the Tongan guys older brother. He looks at one of my friends who happened to be wearing his long work jacket and starts yelling abuse. Even starts to call my mate a cop.

The guy he is abusing is my doorman's younger brother. This islander guy then yells "Fuck, I got something for your ass"
He walks to the back of his car and pops the trunk.

Here I was thinking that he is going to pull out a gun or some shit like that. Instead he pulls out a police torch and looks at us like its an ultimate weapon. His friends and boys start cheering like a pack of bitches, while me and the doorman look at him like "You serious???" Their group of friends start getting rowdy like they won a championship.

At this point my doorman's brother starts getting angry and yells out at them "Are you ready to die??"

I swear to GOD this is all true.

The doorman's brother, pulls out from his jacket.. a fucking samurai sword.

Suddenly every single one of the Tongan friends turn from Thug Life.. to Bitch asses.

The doorman's brother steps forwards and takes the sword out of its sheath. At this point, me and the rest of the doorman's faces look at our mate like "...aaaaaayyyyeeeeeee???"

He steps forward, and actually swings the sword at the guy. At this point, EVERYONE runs away. They were running so fast, they were like Kenyans on a track field.. Out of here.

Gets worse, a paddy waggon starts coming down the main road, and we all bolt. I ran like 10 meters, then just started walking (to try and blend in hahaha not because I was tired :/  )

As I'm walking back 15 Min's later, a group of cops pull me to the side, and ask me what I'm doing. I explain I just finished work. The cop looks at me, and asks me,

"Did you see anyone running around High Street with a samurai sword?"

I just laughed and replied

"Nah, I didn't see anyone, who comes to town with a samurai sword?"

The cop agrees, we have a laugh and we go our separate ways.

Who comes to town with a samurai sword?? Well, apparently my mate does :)

Sunday 1 April 2012

My own fails.

Just because I laugh at others fails, I guess I need to be able to laugh at my own fails.

So here is me, cleaning out my closet (well, only half of it)

There was this one club I was escorting out, a guy who had stolen a bottle from behind the bar, There were two levels in the club. As I'm escorting the patron down the stairs, I didn't notice the glass on the ground.

I stood on the glass, and went rolling down all two levels of stairs. To make matters worse, the guy tries to run away into the club, so I start to chase him.
I end up chasing him out the front door, and he jumps over the ropes. So here I am, thinking I'm the shit, I try to jump over the ropes as well.
As I jump over, my foot gets caught on the rope.I land face first into a puddle. 

The line for the club starts laughing, I quickly walk inside laughing at myself hahaha I felt so embarrassed and I had also winded myself. I hid in the club for the rest of the night. Fail on the front door hahhaha

A few years later, I'm working at this bar where a drunken male, was denied entry. He stands there, and tries to bait me into fighting him. Starts abusing me, threatening me, swearing at me, everything he could think of. We end up having an altercation.
We are around the corner from the club's front doors, when he tries to tackle me. As he does this, I grab him from around the waist, lift him up, and throw him towards a window. He goes flying through the window, but as he is flying, he reaches out and grabs my pants.

As he lands, he pulls on my pants. I hear a loud rip, and to my horror, he has ripped my dress pants right off. 

So I'm standing there, in my work shirt, and boxers, with him lying in a pool of broken glass, and my pants. There is also a large crowd around me. 

I walked back to the door, and quickly went home and got changed. I felt like the biggest idiot right then, and i remember having cold legs hahaha Thank god, I wear boxers hahahaha  The walk from the broken to window, felt like a walk of shame. Even though everyone was cheering on from the fight, others were laughing at the big islander walking down the street in his boxers, dress shoes and work shirt hahaha Like a BOSS hahaha

Don't judge me, your not Jesus lol

So when you people, do stupid things that you think will make people judge you, who cares. Be able to look at yourself, your failures, and just laugh..

Example, if you are a slut in the club, laugh at yourself. We are laughing at you too lol

Eti RedScarf

Thursday 22 March 2012

Fight club

Fight Club Part 1

A dirty side to night clubbing is the fights that break out. To be honest, they don't pay you ENOUGH to get involved with fights. Most nights, I really wish people would just chill and relax. As a healthy alternative to having a fight, just go home and have angry sex or an angry wank. If you got issues, you need tissues lol. Why can't we all just get along?

But honestly, we all know at least one person that deserves a good hiding…

At one door I was working at, a particular Shortland Street actor came to the door with his friends. They were all too drunk, so I kindly denied them. They were sweet with it, and continued on their way. Moments later, a taxi van pulled up to the front door, and the driver opened his door.

The driver was looking for a Shortland Street actor and his friends, who had just jumped his cab and didn’t pay their fare. I looked at the driver, and realized he was my uncle. I told him that I had just seen them and that I would help him find them.

I ran around the corner where I last saw their group, and started to chase the group. I followed them down a side street and then into a Japanese restaurant. The chefs and waiters all looked shocked, I said I was looking for a man who ran in here to hide. They all pointed to their back area. As they followed me, we entered the back area, and the Shortland street actor, was hiding on top of a pile of boxes.

I dragged him out of the restaurant and growled him for not paying his cab fare, and for making me run after him (I was really out of breath haha). He started off by trying to call me his brother. Then he admitted they had money, but thought they would be a smart ass and just run from paying. I called my uncle and told him to come to the street I was at. It was only a $20 fare, but he ended up paying much more. I was so angry I also took his phone (which was REALLY shit) and threw it down the drain.

I know i should of called the proper authorities and let them deal with it, but like I said, we all know someone that deserves a good hiding. (Just because he deserved it, doesn't mean he got one though lol)

I saw him a few times after that at different clubs. I always made a point of smiling at him and EVERYTIME he would stare elsewhere lol

Another time at the club, two groups of girls were fighting. One group were pretty girls, and the other group were big angry islander girls. As the fight continued we rushed in to try and stop it.

A police paddywagon had just pulled up in front of the club, and cops piled out, running towards the fight.

Just as that was happening, one of the bigger (and uglier) girls grabbed the hot girls dress and pulled it over her head. The hot girl was wearing this Victoria’s Secret type lingerie. I stopped in my tracks, and was shocked (admittedly staring in awe) lol. I looked at the cops and they had stopped too, and were also staring in awe at this hot girl, kicking ass, in lingerie Hahaha
After I talked to the cop about the incident, we both had a good laugh. I looked at the cop and asked him 

"How was it trying to stop the fight while having a boner?"

 The cop shook his head and walked away lol Slut.

I suggest you should be a lover, not a fighter. But when I say lover… some of you people hear slut.

A fight broke outside in our line, and we all jumped in to try and separate the groups. One girl took her heel off and tried to crack one of the doormen's head. As she went to swing, another one of the bouncers grabbed her, and lifted her up.
I started laughing, because as she was struggling, at the same time, she was giving the doorman, the good old "sexy eyes". She was still struggling, and growling, but at the same time, she was looking at him like she wanted to rape him.
As we calmed down the situation, the girl then started talking to us, and asking whether the bouncer who had grabbed her, was single. hahahaha Goes to show, sluts can strike... ANYTIME lol.

So next time, before you want to throw down, and have a fight, remember my wise words.

Change your life, slut.

Eti Redscarf

P.S While you are off fighting, my doormen mates are the type to run to your girlfriend and see if she is alright hahaha Arms around her shoulders, trying to “protect” her. #CockBlockinU

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Things people say on the door..

First off, I don't want people thinking that I'm so up myself. Or that I power trip on the door. You don't get any power trip at all, if anything, you get abused most of the night, and have people swear at you. People are often quite rude.  Then when people abuse you for not letting them in, they still expect to come inside? Or you get the people you politely deny, then they look at you and get angry. Start saying shit like "I thought we were boys" blah blah blah
Girls do the same, they start to give you attitude, and try and tell you how to do your job.

How about I get drunk, and come into your work, and tell you how to do your job?

Working at a night club, is just a job, just because I say "No" Don't take it personal. I'm still a nice person hahaha (So many people right now are thinking, Eti, your'e an asshole)

Why do people come up to the door and be rude dudes? Some guys stand there, not standing IN the line, but right in my line of sight and give me puppy eyes. I mean, guys giving puppy eyes, what are you? Bitches? lol

If we cool, we cool, and its all good to come up and talk to me. You know we are cool if I greet you openly, laugh with you, have bit of a yarn. Which is most of you. But then you have, the others.

Others, try and just walk straight through whilst skipping the line. When we kindly reply, there is a line, they even say stupid shit like

"Do you know who I am?"

EVERY time I hear this, I wonder, whether they walked around town, getting into places by saying that. That line makes you look like wanker. If you know you say this, please, jab yourself. Then run into an oncoming car while you have a boner.

I have my fair share of islander guys trying to talk to you like your brothers, because your brown as well. And when you kindly decline them, everyone starts to puff up their chest.To all the fail islanders with their Dragon ball Z hair cuts, with tops that look like a lady blouses, and there stupid tight jeans,

Change your life. Then change your pants. Slut.

Fitted jeans on a guy is cool, but if you weigh over 100kgs, especially if you floating round 120, you and your fat legs should not be wearing tight jeans. Guys, if your big boys, no one wants to see you in your tight shit. Jeans so tight, when your walking round, you can see every time your bum clenches ha ha

Then you have the white boys that you hear talking perfectly fine before they walk up to you, and then they put on a hory accent when they talk to you. Like their English is suddenly broken. Don't insult my intelligence, just talk normally. English was my first language. Then Samoan. I'm also fluent in the language called "Don't give a fuck". I usually speak that language with sign language.(Middle finger at you bitch)

So guys if you get rejected, just go to another bar. Don't look at me so hard. I hope your'e not going to go home and have a crank while thinking of my face. (Crank or Cranking, is when you have cry while having a wank at the same time)

A girl accused me of being racist on the weekend, saying it was the reason I wouldn't let her. I'm not racist, I just hate your ugly ass. The club owner is WHITE, and I have a lot of white friends.Plus I love white bread, whitebait, white t shirts and of course white people. One patron was arguing with us on the door, saying we were racist for not letting him in. I was working at night club that played house music (predominantly a white crowd). The club owner was outside and heard the guy abusing us on the door.
So the club owner says to the guy "Look I'm a white guy, I OWN the bar, your'e not coming in"
The racist guy stares at him, and replies "Why are you trying to be black?"
He also told us that he was in a gang called WPWW, White Power World Wide. I told him it sounded like an Internet website, while the other bouncer asked him for $1 for a pie hahaha

Girls sometimes less is best. Acting less like a slut, makes it easier for people to respect you. Coming to the door and acting slutty does not make anyone respect you, neither does it make you look hot. Act like a slut, get treated like a slut. So you don't have to lick your lips, shift your boobs up slowly, give flirty winks, try and brush up against the guys on the door, try and hold our hands, drape yourself over us, blow kisses, try and actually go for kisses on the lips, go downstairs with the bouncer into the club toilets, or any of that stuff. But I know there are bouncers who love that, and thrive off that shit. hahaha Those are the bouncers I know, that look at me and say "Eti, I will NEVER change" Classic "Defiant Slut" attitude.

But your'e not being a slut, your being considerate? hahaha Some of you come to the door, and do the whole "in denial slut" act. Like you try and walk around and act like heaven shines out your ass, but secretly on the low, your sleeping with every guy that's popular. Like Kurupt says in the classic Snoop Dogg song "Ain't no Fun"

"Pass to the homies, now you hit it//
Cause she ain't nothin but a bitch to me//
and y'all know, bitches ain't shit to me//

What's funny, while they are in denial about being a slut, they sing the song out loud when it comes on hahaha Looking at other people like their the slut.

Go home, look in the mirror, and surprise, your a slut.

I guess what I'm saying, just come correct, and everything is all good. Right dress code, right attitude then all good. Ain't no need to act like you don't have manners.

Take care, and look after each other when your out.

But not in a slut way. Unless you like being a slut. hahaha

Eti RedScarf

P.S Sluts are people too, and have feelings and everything. Deep down, even you have a bit of slut in you hahaha

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Your not a slut, your just considerate

We all know that in the club, it can be full of sluts at times. In the weekend, I saw one girl, make out with 3 different guys. Not at one time, but at different times during the night. Then she left with a fourth guy at the end of the night.
She's not a slut, she's just considerate. Generous even. Hope all the guys love the taste of  AIDS lol

Most times, its the guys who are acting like sluts, and to some guys, you call them a slut, and they wear that shit like a badge of honour. "In some cultures, being called a slut, is same as being called a king." I don't know what culture that is, but one of my friends said that to me.

What I don't get, is when there is 2 guys and one girl dancing. I seen this quite alot, one guy will be grinding on her ass, the other is grinding on her front. I guess she wasn't being a slut, she was being considerate by sharing all her holes lol That shit don't even look sexy.

I remember one time I was at a club with a good mate of mine when we were approached by this girl.She starts the conversation off by asking us, who did we come with. We both replied that we came with each other. She looks us dead in the eyes and says "Its my fantasy to be fucked by two guys.." Me and my mate start cracking up, Im  laughing, but slowly moving away. Then she admits to sleeping with half of a particular super 15 rugby team.
"I went on a date with one guy, and felt sorry for him, so I gave him a blowjob at the end of the night"

Yiah.... how very considerate of you woman.

I seen in clubs, guys dancing with girls, slow dancing, then just as he pulls her in close, he is looking over her shoulder and smiling at another girl. Fail  Love your girl, and not everyone else's girl lol

One club I was working at, I went to go bathrooms. In this club, the girls toilets door was on my left, the guys on the right, and the disabled toilet was in front of me. A guy is in front of me walking towards the guys toilets, when suddenly the disabled toilets open up. Out walks a girl, then behind her, we both see a guy in the background. The guy who was walking towards the bathroom, stops and looks at the girl and screams out "You fuckin bitch" then he decks her. The guy in the toilet panicks and gets decked as well. I'm standing there in shock when the guy turns around in tears, and looks at me and says "That was my girlfriend with another guy" and runs out crying. I try and help the girl up, her eye starts to swell, funny thing though, something that looked like a pube was hanging out her mouth lol

But before we all start hating on sluts, you all need to realise you all have a bit of slut in you. Some more than others. Even the good girls and good boys, like to get slutty. Some are wiser and choose the right time to be slutty (at home, in bedroom) Some people have one drink, and they turn into instant slut. (by the bar, the dance floor, in the booths, toilets.. etc) Sluts are considerate, because sometimes, sluts give the ugly guy at the bar, a chance. They give the rich guy with no looks, no game, some ass for a few drinks. (Thats when she is tickling your wallet, and your balls buddy)

I have seen so many people get snapped cheating on their partners. One girl was on the door, upset that she had seen her man with another girl. The bouncer then put his arm around her, and looked at her and said in a very caring voice "You should have an affair.. with a bouncer.."  (yes this is the same bouncer who took the girl downstairs for the blow job from Blog number 2 lol)

Haha One of the dirtiest places in the club can be in the DJ booth. Yes, there are girls that have jumped in and hidden underneath the desk to give the DJ's some extra loving. Ain't nothing ugly like seeing the DJ doing his cum facials while trying to mix into the next song lol

Its funny when you see girls, who are hot , that hook up with other girls. Sucks though when she hooks up everyone else in the club, except you. Now she just being a bitch lol

Sluts, they are just misunderstood. If you walk around the club like your the slut whisperer, change your life.